5 Tips – Writing Better Landing Pages

Landing Page template

One tool that can help you create more awareness about your brand is a good website. To get more visitors to your site, you’ll need a great landing page, a web page that can help you attract and sustain your audience’s interest and encourage them to take action on your site and increase your conversion rates. Other names often used to describe a landing page include a destination page and a lead capture page. Depending on your customer segments, you can choose to have either one landing page or multiple ones.

Why Are Landing Pages Important?

Landing pages provide several benefits for your business and your website, such as:

  • Helping you gain more sales through your website
  • Driving more traffic to your website and increasing your reach
  • Boosting your SEO rankings
  • Helping you build a strong and loyal customer base
  • Leading customers to specific products and services you have to offer
  • Gaining more demographic information about your prospective customers

How To Better Write Landing Pages

Contrary to popular belief that landing pages are challenging to build and maintain, some straightforward tips can effectively guide you in writing landing pages for your site.

1. Have Your Target Audience In Mind

Knowing who your landing page is directed at will help you deliver relevant information that will encourage them to respond to your call to action. It would help if you conducted thorough research into your target audience’s demographics, preferences, habits, and interests to have a more targeted approach.

This way, you can use the words and jargon they normally use and speak directly to them. It’s best to use words they can easily relate with, such as you, and use direct statements such as ‘Sign up here’ instead of passive voice.

2. Include The Most Vital Information First

Visitors to your site may probably not want to spend too much time on your page, as they consider factors like quick loading times, relevant information, etc. Their attention span could last for only a few seconds before they move on to another page.

Therefore, putting the most important information first is crucial, so your target audience doesn’t miss it. One of the best spots is to place your information in the area where your users will first see it before they scroll down. This area on your page is known as “above the fold.”
Landing Page Ideas

3. Highlight How Useful Your Product or Service Will be

Customers are always looking for solutions, and one way to help your brand stand out is to emphasise the benefits of your products or services to your target audience on your landing page. Even when you want to describe the features of your product, you can stress more on how beneficial it will be to the user and state it in simpler terms.

This way, you’re able to convince your customers that they’ll be making a great decision by patronising your product or service, which will encourage them to follow through with a call-to-action.

4. Make Your Text Easy to Skim

How concise your text is could contribute significantly to the success of your landing page. Aside from the words that make up your landing page content, it would help if you also considered your formatting to ensure that readers can easily skim your text and get the information they need in a matter of seconds. Some format tips worth considering include:

  • Short sentences and paragraphs
  • Headings and subheadings
  • Bullet lists
  • Bolding and underlining important text

Using other elements like images, icons, and white space to break up your text will help keep your audience engaged and draw their attention to vital information.

5. Have A Solid Ending

It would help to consider both your starting and ending strategies in writing landing pages. How you end is just as important as the beginning and can help give your customers the push they need. For instance, you can communicate that your product or service is limited, making it essential for your customers to get theirs as soon as possible. A clear call-to-action will let your customers know the next step and help you achieve your desired results.

Applying these tips will help you write landing pages easier and more effectively. Remember to test your landing page before rolling it out to help you achieve the best results and ensure it’s well-optimised for search engines. Some essential tests include on-page SEO and A/B tests and make the required change so your page suits your goals.
